Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code List for All Branches

Understanding the Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code is crucial for seamless financial transactions, especially for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transfers. In this article, we will provide full information about the IFSC code of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank, its significance, how to find it, and frequently asked questions.

What is an IFSC Code?

The IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) is an 11-character alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify a bank branch during electronic fund transfers. For Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank, it helps customers accurately process their transactions.

Structure of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code

An IFSC code consists of:

  • First 4 Characters: Represent the bank code (e.g., PUNB for Punjab National Bank, which Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank is a part of).
  • 5th Character: Always ‘0’ (reserved for future use).
  • Last 6 Characters: Represent the specific branch code.

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Importance of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code

  1. Enables electronic transactions like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
  2. Reduces errors in fund transfers.
  3. Helps in identifying the exact branch of the bank.

How to Find Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code

You can find the Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code through:

  • The bank’s official website.
  • Your bank passbook or account statement.
  • RBI’s official website.
  • Online banking platforms or third-party financial services websites.

Key IFSC Codes of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank

Below is a table highlighting some commonly searched branches of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank:

Branch NameIFSC CodeLocationContact Number

How to Use Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code for Transactions

    • Login to your internet banking platform.
    • Add the payee by entering their name, account number, and IFSC code.
    • Confirm the payee and proceed with the transaction.
  2. UPI Transactions:
    • Some UPI apps may require the IFSC code for linking accounts.

Documents Required to Open an Account in Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank

To access services like fund transfers, you’ll need a bank account. Below are the necessary documents:

Document TypeExample Documents
Identity ProofAadhaar, PAN, Voter ID
Address ProofUtility Bill, Rent Agreement
PhotographPassport-sized photo


The Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code is vital for secure and accurate banking transactions. Knowing how to find and use this code ensures hassle-free online fund transfers. For more detailed information, always refer to official bank resources.

FAQs About Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code

1. What is the IFSC code for Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank Patna branch?

The IFSC code for the Patna branch is PUNB0MBGB001.

2. Can I transfer money without the Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code?

No, the IFSC code is mandatory for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions.

3. Is the IFSC code the same for all Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank branches?

No, each branch has a unique IFSC code.

4. How can I verify the IFSC code of Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank?

You can verify it on the RBI website, the bank’s official site, or your account passbook.

5. What should I do if I enter the wrong IFSC code?

Immediately contact your bank. Transactions with an invalid IFSC code will usually fail, and funds will be refunded.

6. How can I find the IFSC code for Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank?

You can find the IFSC code through:

*Bank passbook or account statement.
*RBI’s official website.
*Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank’s website.
*Financial service apps or portals.

7. What is the use of the Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code?

The IFSC code is essential for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions. It helps identify the recipient’s branch to process the transfer securely.

8. What happens if I enter the wrong IFSC code?

If an incorrect IFSC code is used, the transaction might fail or be sent to the wrong account. Always verify the code before confirming a transfer.

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